
  1. The core of our strategy is to make sustainability the number one priority for a range of services offered. We want to offer the most sustainable options with a realistic price tag.
  2. A clear vision for sustainable lifestyles. We innovate to inspire – applying real plants to all industries.
  3. To accelerate and revolutionise environmental sustainability initiatives and make them more accessible.
  4. Meeting our own needs in a sustainable way without compromising the world for future generations.

Eco Foundry currently is the only company in the UK to offer a full end-to-end service for branded living event walls with the biggest range of biophilic products in the world. Our Sustainable Living Walls are truly spectacular to look at and wonderful to be around. By continuously innovating, we can adapt our living walls to provide a stunning and unique backdrop for any show, event, exhibition, company or workplace.

Our systems will improve health and wellbeing and the function of plants / people interaction.
Plants internally improve performance, productivity and motivation, feeling of wellbeing,
reduce levels of absenteeism, improve mental and cognitive performance.



40% of people with BAME backgrounds living in England’s most green space deprived areas. We tackle green-space

inequality, inspire change and increase social cohesion between communities and neighbourhoods.


EcoFoundry has developed a circular product that recycles and reuses materials, promotes a healthy indoor climate,

reduces noise pollution, purifies the air and lowers ambient temperatures


We contribute to local economic growth by increasing willingness to spend, restaurant patronage and commercial trading rates by 10-50% (NBS,2020).

Working together with our partners, we believe we can succeed in reducing the impacts of the climate crisis. Working towards a circular economy is our one true aim. We do not claim to be perfect. We are trying to be part of the change.

It is our collective and individual responsibility to save the planet. It takes one small change in a thought process to make a lasting difference to our future. Be the change you wish for your children.