How Sustainable Events are Changing the Landscape

In today’s global context, sustainability has become an increasingly important aspect of many industries, including the events industry. Sustainable practices in this sector involve implementing environmentally responsible strategies that minimise negative impacts on the environment and promote social and economic well-being. As we strive to create a more sustainable future, the importance of sustainable practices in creating green events cannot be overstated. As a result, there is a greater need in our society for more sustainable events.

Environmental Impact of Events

Events, whether large-scale conferences, festivals, or corporate gatherings, have significant environmental implications. These events contribute to the generation of waste, the consumption of energy, and the emission of carbon dioxide. The sheer volume of waste generated during events, including single-use plastics, food waste, and promotional materials, can overwhelm waste management systems and end up in landfills or polluting natural habitats. 

Additionally, the energy consumption required to power events, along with transportation emissions from attendees, further contributes to the carbon footprint. The environmental challenges posed by events necessitate a shift toward sustainable practices to mitigate these negative impacts. This is sustainable events are essential.

Benefits of Sustainable Practices

Adopting sustainable practices in the event industry provides event suppliers with numerous benefits. 

To begin with, it reduces the environmental footprint, resulting in more responsible resource use and waste generation. Events can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and conserve resources by encouraging recycling, composting, and the use of renewable energy sources.

Adopting sustainable practices also contributes to the creation of green events, which prioritise environmentally friendly approaches throughout the event planning and execution process.

Sustainable practices have both social and economic benefits. Sustainability-focused events attract environmentally conscious attendees and stakeholders, boosting the event’s reputation and brand image. Furthermore, by sourcing from local suppliers, creating jobs, and supporting local communities, such events frequently support the local economy.

Here are some of the benefits of sustainable practices in the events industry:

1. Environmental and Economic Benefits:

   – Waste generation and landfill usage are reduced. 

   – Cost savings through efficient resource management and waste reduction.

   – Reducing carbon emissions and contributing to climate change mitigation.

   – Ecosystem and biodiversity conservation.

  – Generation of green jobs and employment opportunities.

2. Social Benefits:

   – Improved event reputation and brand image as socially responsible.

   – Attract environmentally conscious attendees and stakeholders.

   – Engagement with local communities, fostering positive relationships.

   – Creating educational opportunities and raising awareness about sustainability.

   – Inclusion and accessibility are promoted through virtual or hybrid event formats.

3. Health and Well-Being Benefits:

   – Improving air and water quality by reducing pollution and environmental contaminants.

   – Creating healthier event spaces through the use of non-toxic materials and sustainable practices.

   – Encouragement of healthier lifestyle choices through the use of sustainable food and beverage options.

   – Incorporating eco-friendly event designs, such as green spaces or cycling facilities, to promote physical activity and well-being.

Case Studies

Several events around the world have successfully implemented sustainable practices, demonstrating the feasibility and positive outcomes of going green. One notable example is the Glastonbury Festival in the UK, which has made significant strides in reducing its environmental impact. The festival implemented waste management systems, such as recycling stations and composting, which resulted in a 50% reduction in waste sent to landfills. 

Wastes being sorted and recycled at the Glastonbury Festival in the UK

Another noteworthy case is the Green Sports Alliance, a global organisation that collaborates with sports teams and venues to promote sustainability in sports events. Their initiatives have resulted in the implementation of energy-efficient practices, water conservation measures, and recycling programs, all of which have helped to reduce the environmental impact of sporting events.

Here are more case studies for sustainable events.

How has the pandemic affected people at in-person/hybrid/online events?

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed the events industry, leading to the rise of virtual and hybrid events. While these changes have introduced new challenges, they have also provided opportunities to incorporate sustainable practices. Virtual events significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with travel and venue energy consumption. The use of digital platforms for online events has resulted in less waste and less consumption of resources.

Hybrid events, which combine in-person and virtual components, enable a more inclusive approach while lowering the overall environmental impact. Attendees have the option of participating in person or remotely, which reduces travel requirements and associated emissions. The pandemic has highlighted the value of adaptability and flexibility in the events industry, and incorporating sustainable practices into these new event formats can help create a more resilient and responsible sector. Thus promoting event sustainability.


The events industry is important in our society because it brings people together for a variety of reasons. However, it is critical to recognize the environmental impact of these events and take steps toward sustainability. Event suppliers can significantly reduce their environmental footprint, improve their brand image, and contribute to the local economy by adopting sustainable practices.

We learned from case studies of successful sustainable events that implementing environmentally responsible strategies is not only possible but also beneficial. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of sustainable practices in the events industry, as virtual and hybrid events offer opportunities for reduced resource consumption and a lower carbon footprint. 

It is the responsibility of event organisers, suppliers, and attendees to prioritise sustainability and collaborate to create green events that are both memorable and environmentally responsible. By embracing sustainable practices, the events industry can set an example of how business and environmental stewardship can coexist to create a more sustainable future for all.

Authors: Oluwasemilore Olaitan, Anish Rajani